Wellness Starts Within

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On being "Au Naturel"

A long time ago, I have often thought about what it means to be real. Could it be real with your feelings and emotions?? Real with your thoughts? Real with your words?? Or maybe,... real with everything else around you....The word "real" is such a simple yet profound word.. How far can one go to the extent of being real????
In the eyes of a child, real is as simple as asking for things that confuses her, real is knowing that all questions have answers, whether it is right or wrong. And real is coming to terms with the simple pleasures of life...eating,sleeping,playing,etc.etc........
As we grow older, life becomes more complicated with society's rules. We try to live up to everyone's expectations. We live our life according to what our parents and our parents parent taught us... In other words, we become what society wants us to be..along the way, we get confused with the things that really make us , into the things that was structured for us.... If we are lucky enough,we break out of this cycle and find the path that truly define who we are.

Au Naturel for  me is simply going back to our roots. Meaning..... I am  finding joy in the simplicity of life by having the time to appreciate whats being laid out in front of me... From seeing my family's joy and frustrations,to cooking and baking to my  hearts desire, to sleeping, waking up and taking showers according to my own pace (;-D), to dividing my time to meet up with all the wonderful friends I have met along the way, old and new alike,to realizing that after all this time,simplicity and the truth about everything around you is the way to ultimate happiness and contentment.Accepting and knowing what my priorities in life are made me value everything that I have.I have come to realized that every individual live their lives according to their priorities and needs.I am thankful that I have been given the chance to spend more quality time with my family in this maddening stressful life called "living". No amount of money could ever exchange this opportunity.Sometimes, people wish they have more time or more money. Whatever the situation is, be thankful of what you have and really look deeper at what makes you happy and fulfilled..

 After all, according to Dan Shapiro, Life is a Choice...." Our first choice is to live our life as our authentic self, as the person we really are deep down inside. When we do that, we can access a grand library of all that is possible for us—the journeys through life that are right for us. This allows us to make choices that flow from who we are and what we can be. That’s when life works. That’s when a positive outlook can make all the difference in the world."

Au Naturel also helps me live my life as natural as I can possibly be.. I am now trying to incorporate natural and organic products in our lifestyle although I must say that my genes wont allow me to go 100% along the way. Being a Filipino, there are still days that I would crave for all those sweet, starchy,salty variations that I am used to....:-).. For now, I am just blogging my healthy discoveries one day at a time..... 

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