Wellness Starts Within

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Its all about the Indian flavor.....

Yesterday, I had to bring my husband to urgent care due to a bad sprain. We thought of the worst scenario, like maybe a torn Achilles tendon and prayed for the best.Luckily, and with prayers, things didn't turn out as bad as we thought. X-rays were done and we went home with a few medical orders...
It was close to noon time and we could not decide where or what to eat. We were getting hungry and we thought of curry! The first thing that came to our mind was Indian food.So we head off to this small place in Tustin, that's kinda popular with most of the residents nearby.. Its called India Sweets and Spices. Lots of things to choose from. I got a few items and some desserts but unluckily, I never had the chance to ask what  their names are. The lady who helped us out couldn't speak much English and the guy with her was busy helping others out since it was already lunch time. That's when I relied on my instincts and let my diversity take charge of the situation....lol..My favorite dessert was the one pictured at the bottom,(its made of milk and some other flavors.. reminds me of the filipino "yema" ) close to the orange one ( that's carrot something... yummy and healthy !)..then comes the almond one,very sweet but taste like real almonds..:-) and the least was the bread looking one with filling.. It has so many flavors that I cant figure out if it was a dessert or an appetizer lol,....

Since it was a vegetarian place, hubby and I were just happy with our food.. Tasty and flavorful, and the desserts were just sweet and dense.Will definitely go back to check out more items soon.

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